Monday, April 30, 2012

And the winners are...

Happy Monday everyone!! I apologize for my lack of updates, I've had a lot going on recently. As you may know, both of the giveaways that were going on have ended and now I'm going to announce the winners!

Showers of Books Giveaway
Christina K. 
She chose "Silence" by Michelle Sagara

100 Follower Giveaway
Cathy C. and Carla
(I will be contacting both shortly!)

In other news, I am currently working on a number of reviews to post as well as trying to catch up on a few books because I have 4 blog tour stops coming up! I am trying to get as much done as possible within the next week or so because next Wednesday, May 9th I will be going in to talk to my doctor about scheduling my surgery. As of now, I have no idea when it will be scheduled but once it is I am going to try and schedule some posts for the few days I am in the hospital and then a few days after when I'm trying to recover. 

I hope you'll stick around and continue reading because I still have some great things planned, just a little behind on getting them started. Thanks so much everyone and I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!

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